CfA: Grotian Law and Modernity at the Dawn of a New Age – 19/20 June 2025 – The Hague

by Admin on March 5, 2024

We are happy to announce an international conference on Hugo Grotius, on the occasion of the 400th anniversary of the first publication of De jure belli ac pacis. The aim of the conference is to foster new narratives on the thought of Grotius, both in general legal theory and in international law. The core question is to what extent Grotian thought is still relevant today, and what adaptations current changes in our world make necessary. The conference will take place on 19 and 20 June 2025 at the campus of Leiden University in The Hague. The deadline for submitting an abstract is 1 May 2024. More information can be found in the call for papers.

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