Call for Proposals: Summer School in Practical Philosophy & Legal Philosophy

by Admin on June 19, 2018

The OZSW and the VWR welcome initiatives to organize a summer school in 2020 on a theme that is of interest for PhDs in the fields of political philosophy and/or ethics and legal philosophy. Initiatives should be submitted jointly by two or more academics, of whom at least one should be a member of the OZSW and another of the VWR. The summer school will take place under the auspices of the OZSW, with a budget that allows for inviting a couple of (international) speakers. The OZSW and the VWR welcome initiatives to organize a summer school in 2020 on a theme that is of interest for PhDs in the fields of political philosophy and/or ethics and legal philosophy. Initiatives should be submitted jointly by two or more academics, of whom at least one should be a member of the OZSW and another of the VWR. The summer school will take place under the auspices of the OZSW, with a budget that allows for inviting a couple of (international) speakers. Please note that there is no additional budget for the organizers or the speakers. Proposals should include a one-page description of the theme and format of the summer school, a list of speakers to be invited, and a provisional budget, and should be submitted to no later than 1 December 2018. The proposals will be assessed by a committee that includes members of the boards of the chamber of practical philosophy of the OZSW and of the VWR. A decision about the proposals will be taken in the course of December 2018.

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