Call for Papers – Contemporary Legal Theory

by admin on February 29, 2016

It is with great satisfaction that the Postgraduate Program in Law of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro issues its first call for papers for the journal Contemporary Legal Theory. The mission of the journal is to encourage the exchange of contemporary and interdisciplinary research in Legal Theory between Brazilian and foreign scholars.

Each issue is composed of three sections:
1. a General Section of scientific papers received by a system of “continuous flow”;
2. a Special Section of scientific papers received by a system of public call under the responsibility of an associate editor; and
3. a possible Extra Section dedicated to reviews, translations, comments on jurisprudence and papers of invited authors.

“Science in Court” will be the theme of the first Special Section. The editors would like to receive papers that seek to contribute to the understanding of the increasing role of Science in the process of interpretation and application of Law. This Special Section will be under the editorial responsibility of Professor Margarida Lacombe, from the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), and Professor Maria Clara Calheiros, from the University of Minho (Portugal).

All papers must be submitted to the following email: For more information, please visit the website.

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