Expert seminar on restorative justice

by admin on May 8, 2015

On 5th June 2015 the VU University organizes an expert seminar on restorative justice.

Restorative justive is a topic of increasing global importance. Also the Netherlands runs experiments with restorative justice, including several pilots focusing on restorative mediation. Both coalition parties agree that restorative mediation is a significant complement of criminal and penal law. Restorative justice is based on the idea that criminal law conflicts can be dealt with in a informal way. The perpetrator and the victim have to come to an agreement, with the help of a supervisor, family members and possibly members of the society. This agreement includes the apology from the perpetrator and an agreement on restorative actions.

During the expert seminar proponents and opponents will discuss two main themes: the ideology of restorative justice and the view of humanity in restorative justice. The list of speakers includes Lode Walgrave (an international authority on restorative justice), Jacques Claessen and Vincent Geeraets.

For more information, please contact Vincent Geeraets:

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