Lecture ‘The judgement of Pontius Pilate: a critique of Giorgio Agamben’

by admin on October 4, 2016

On thursday 20th October, David Dusenbury gives a lecture titled ‘The judgement of Pontius Pilate: a critique of Giorgio Agamben’ at the KU Leuven. The lecture starts at 18.00 in ‘de kleine vergaderzaal’of the faculty of law (Tiensestraat 41, Leuven).

In his recent essay, ‘Pilate and Jesus’ (Rome 2013; Stanford 2015), the Italian legal philosopher Giorgio Agamben argues that Pontius Pilate never formally condemned Jesus of Nazareth. Pace Agamben, it will be argued that Pilate did sentence Jesus, pro tribunali, to death on a cross; and that Pilate’s judgement has shaped European legal theory in ways that the current scholarship has yet to reckon with.

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